Tuesday, August 24, 2010


AUGUST 18, 2010 - DAY 14 - SOMERSET, PA

For a lazy day we managed to get up and start doing much of nothing at an early hour. It seems strange to take our time having breakfast, showering and just trying to decide what to do with the day.

However, there is one thing that will get done today and that is Angel getting her hair cut, though not until this evening. She donated her hair to Locks of Love just days before the trip. Unfortunately, this meant taking off on vacation with just a blunt, short haircut. She has not been happy about it at all. But then that is a common thread between us as several months ago when I got my hair cut it was layered, despite my directly asking that it not be and even explaining why. Still it will not braid properly and this has been a problem every day we have been on the road.

But before all that we finish the laundry and clean up our bikes. Now don't think us fanatical like so many of the men with Harley's. We are tired, our bikes are extremely dirty, and it would take hours to clean them properly. So instead we give them a good "wipe down" type of cleaning. At least as good can be expected in a little under an hour. And when we finish we do feel better about how they are looking, even if it isn't up to par.

Then it's off to find lunch. We came across a little place called J.B. Hawg's. It's like a drive-thru BBQ joint but with a couple of picnic tables too. Go there. The food is good. Really. And the people who own it are just great too.

Finally we just check out the town, like Wal-Mart and Tractor Supply Co., and then we take the bikes to Highland H-D for the oil change that I had scheduled well in advance. After that Angel was off for her new do, which looked great when she returned. So off to dinner we went, just down the street again, only this time to Trax. Kind of a sports bar and grill, and the food and drink were good.

As the evening wore on we began to notice a few people involved with the 9/11 Ride were showing up to get ready for the event. We are getting excited that everyone will be here by tomorrow evening. We are looking forward to renewing friendships forged by this great cause, making new ones, but mostly to remind ourselves and others about the sacrifices made in the name of duty on that fateful day almost nine years ago. And to honor all those whose lives were lost by such cowardly acts of terrorism.

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