Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lessons Learned

We have lost count of the things we have learned on this trip, and I can assure you that those things we have remembered and will list here are in no certain order. Use this list for yourself, for friends, or just as a guide. And let me tell you, it doesn't matter what someone else suggests, only you can decide what works best for yourself.

Lesson # 1: No matter how structured, how well organized, or how many lists made you will not know what you need or don't need until you are actually on the road. And the reality is you won't need everything you pack, no matter how little you think you have.

Lesson # 2: You can go longer that you could ever assume wearing one pair of jeans, so you don't need more than two pairs no matter how long you are gone.

Lesson # 3: The most you need to pack of any item is socks, and I wouldn't travel with less than four pairs.

Lesson # 4: Forget packing everything separately in zip-lock baggies, just bring one or two.

Lesson # 5: Keep everything in just one bag: clean clothes, toiletries, dirty clothes, headbands, etc. Organizing everything separately causes constant reorganization, too many changes, and too much to carry. Either use a large zip-lock or ditty bag to keep the clean and dirty clothes apart.

Lesson # 6: Don't make hotel reservations ahead of time. If you are worried about higher costs use your smartphone or laptop to make an on-line reservation minutes before arriving. And always try to book a place that includes a free breakfast and free internet.

Lesson # 7: Eat meals at hole-in-the-wall places. You know it's good if there are lots of trucks, cars or motorcycles parked out front. Skip the chain places.

Lesson # 8: Wear slip on boots, not lace up.

Lesson # 9: If something drops on your hot pipe and melts use a Canadian penny to scrape the residue off your pipe, but do NOT use an American penny. Really.

Lesson # 10: When one of you says they are hungry or thirsty don't push on because you had planned a different stop, stop immediately. You never know what you might see or who you might meet when you alter your plans.

Lesson # 11: Keep your credit card within reach so that when you stop for gas you don't even have to get off the bike, unless you need a drink or pit stop too.

Lesson # 12: Never skip meals for the sake of time. You need the break and the fuel for yourself.

Lesson # 13: Don't pass up the chance to see something unusual or different. Take the time, take the detour, have some fun.

Lesson # 14: No matter how well you think you have planned your route or managed your time, it will take much longer and you will get there much later because life will happen along the way. If you can, once you decide upon your daily plans cut them in half. You will be glad you did.

Lesson # 15: Don't forget to breathe deeply along the ride. There are scents in the air that inspire stronger thoughts and memories than some things you can see.

Lesson # 16: Talk to everyone along the way. You never know the impact you might have or who could inspire you.

There is a lot of beauty out there in this country and so much more to see. And there are even more amazingly wonderful people I have yet to meet. I can't wait to do this again someday, though I realize it may not be for several more years.

I have met a lot of people who have dedicated their lives for others - especially first responders and military. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to meet so many of them, to have been able to honor those who gave of themselves on 9/11, and to continue to honor their memories with so many other wonderful people who take the time to do the same. Thank you all, those who gather to pay homage, those who have served, those who are serving, those who will serve, and especially those who can serve no more. God bless you all.


  1. An amazing documentation!!! Thanks so much for staying with us in Omaha! Loved keeping up with you guys via this blog. Glad the rest of your trip was eventful in the positive way! Would love to make it out your way some time and spend some time riding US 1 with you all.

    Stay in touch.
    Clean and Ajax

  2. Keep us in mind if you come this way, would love to show you around. And thanks again for everything!
